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Hi, I'm Jason Beh!

I aspire to impact millions of lives by writing clean and highly maintainable code.

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About Me

I discovered my love for code by accident.

When I was 13 years old, I was addicted to playing computer games. My urge of wanting to learn to hack computer games for more resources made me stumble across Codecademy (Thank you, Google Search Engine).

I love developing software that people use. There is always an odd satisfying joy whenever I see a user smile while using the software that I have created. My lifelong goal is to forever learn and evolve with technologies while applying world-class software engineering practices that impact millions of lives worldwide.

Some of my awards include:

  • 1st Place at ASEAN Humanitarian AHAckathon 2021 (International)
  • Top 20 in Microsoft Student Accelerator Australia 2021 (National)
  • Top 6 at MYOB Trans-Tasman IT Challenge 2021 (International)
  • 1st Place at Malaysian Students' Technology Week Hackathon 2021 (National)

Writing software that brings joy to users is fulfilling

Tech for life? Hell yeah

Fazz Financial Group
Fazz Financial Group
Sime Darby Plantation
Sime Darby Plantation
Xoogler (Ex-Googlers)
Xoogler (Ex-Googlers)
ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Centre
ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance Centre

"I worked with Jason during his software engineering internship at Fazz (previously Xfers). He is a pleasure to work with as he is not only an excellent communicator, but is also a driven, intelligent software engineer. During his 3-4 month tenure with us, he handled sizeable, complex projects with high levels of autonomy. I would happily work with Jason again if provided the opportunity."

Shi Hao Hong, Engineering Manager at FAZZ Financial Group (Former Google SWE)

Technical skills to meet your needs.

I believe that software engineers must be comfortable in handling ambiguity and learning new things on a daily basis.

View Resume

Programming Languages

C++, Java, TypeScript, Python, Golang

Full Stack Web Development

React.js, Next.js, Express.js, Gorilla Mux, Firebase

API Development



MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB